Monday, July 29, 2013

And we are off to sail !

Ahoy, me Hearties! :D

We are back (as promised)! But before we really get sailing into the vast oceans of knowledge, we thought of introducing ourselves to you (as requested by most of you out there! :D )

Well it's a two man..err..i mean two WOman crew!

First up is the ship's second in command i.e. our first mate on our ship of learning...
*drum rolls* :D
Ms Prerna Arora!

She is smart, pretty, fun loving, one with a bindass attitude, loves watching movies, surf the internet and totally believes in the idea of Shop till you Drop! ;)

Currently pursuing MBA in International Business with Marketing and believes that '..everyone has their own experiences...opinions..ideas...about anything & everything and with the help of this blog we just want to share ours with you'!

Indeed that's what we intend to do! :)

And now introducing to ya all the ship's Captain in command...(more like a pirate in disguise :D)
You want the drum rolling again? o.O Seriously? :D...
nay...i prefer more of a silent entry! :D

Ms Olga Mittal!

Witty, prankster for a few..drop dead serious soul for the rest :D (many heads will nod in affirmative :D) , a very good listener, an observer, a big introvert who once gets along well with you can paint the town red, out and out movie buff, loves inventing lingo of her own(oh yes!), a big foodie & at times the geeky nerd! :D

Currently pursuing MBA in International Business with Finance and loves the idea of learning new things whenever and wherever i can! I love observing it people...the nature. or anything..and believe that learning is cool and if done in the right manner, it can be one joyful journey! :)

Yo Ho Ho! Yeah we are done bloating about ourselves :D & now let us finally sail off!

The Crew: Prerna & Olga (L2R)

...While we share all by the rule of thumb...
...Yo Ho and a bottle of rum...

Till then adios! Be good! :)

Signing off...

P.S. I am big fan of the pirate lingo.. (As can be seen very prominently!) so brush up! Savvy...? ;)

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