Thursday, August 29, 2013

Review of Google glass: All that you need to know!

Source: Google

In early 2012, the tech world was ablaze with talks that the search giant google was working on augmented reality goggles.

And since it's public unveiling in April 2012, google's hottest and latest gadget that has really revolutionized the space of mobile communication, this tiny head mounted Android computer has generated a lot of buzz and certainly capturing plenty of attention.

It is currently available to the eminent members of the tech community in it's limited beta version
& to a selection of "Glass Explorers".

But what exactly is Google glass? Why is Google glass attracting so much of attention? What is "Glass Explorers"?

To answer these questions, here is our review for Google Glass.

What is Google glass anyway?!

Google Glass is developed by Google in the Project Glass project and it is a wearable computer with an optical head mounted display (OHMD).  Google glass displays information in a smartphone-like hands free format and it can communicate via natural language voice commands.So in all, Google Glass is a camera, display, touchpad, battery and microphone built into spectacle frames so that you can perch a display in your field of vision, film, take pictures, search and translate on the go.

How Glass works: A German designer created this infographic to show how the eyewear projects an image
What can Google Glass do?

  1. Record Videos and Take Pictures: Google Glass will take a picture or record a video handsfree! You just have to say the word! These pictures and videos will then get stored on the 4GB flash memory within the device and one can also share them on social networking websites.
  2. Speak to send a message: Google Glass will show you the text messages and the emails and also allow you to reply to them via voice commands.
  3. Find Information on the go: You simple need to ask a question and the device will pull the answer from the internet!
  4. Directions right in front of you: Google Maps are integrated into the glass and can be accessed via voice commands.
  5. Video Sharing - LIVE! : Google Glass can show the world what you are seeing - LIVE! Whether you are skydiving or attending a marriage or play, you can share the feed with your friends in real time and make them part of this beautiful experience.
  6. Translate your voice: Simple ask Glass to translate the phrase or word from one language to another and it will speak it out for you!

What is Google Glass release date?

The final release date has not been announced yet, but Google hopes to launch it by end of 2013 or early 2014

What is Google Glass Price?

Though the company is already pushing out developer editions, priced at $1,500. A consumer version will be available by the end of 2013 for under $1,500.

                                                          Source: Youtube

What is Google Explorer Program?

The Glass Explorer program is an early adopter program available for developers and consumers to test Google Glass, and gauge how people will want to use it. Entry into the Explorer program was made available to the general public on February 20, 2013, and ended on February 27, 2013. The program's promotional material stated that "bold, creative individuals" who wanted to test the device were being sought out. Applicants were required to post a message—of 50 words or less—on Google+ or Twitter with the hashtag "#ifihadglass" featured. Successful applicants were required to attend a Google Glass event in either New YorkSan Francisco, or Los Angeles to pick up the developer version for US$1,500.

Written and posted by Olga Mittal

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